About kiyan_admin

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So far kiyan_admin has created 2 blog entries.

The Importance of Naming

2024-11-27T11:25:00-08:00November 27th, 2024|Categories: Spirituality|Tags: |

Names and titles are important. Some names are sacred, some forbidden. Perhaps the once sacred names have become forbidden, or the other way around. Some names and titles awaken great awe and respect, while others, fear and caution. In spiritual communities there are many titles people know and refer to themselves as. Witch, Shaman, Healer, Root Worker, Spirit Doctor, to name a few most

Into the Green – Spring and Summer Offerings

2024-05-23T15:30:11-07:00May 23rd, 2024|Categories: Events, Podcasts|Tags: , , , , , , , |

Spring is taking some time to arrive this year here in the Pacific Northwest, but…who are we to question nature. She knows best. The birds don’t seem to mind the cooler air and the trees are certainly blooming and offering the fragrance of the season. Speaking of offerings, I am most excited to share about a couple “happenings” I have been invited to participate

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